Why Falck?
Our human resource goal at Falck is very simple: Make sure Falck is the best place to work and the best will come to work at Falck.
We set the bar high because we believe people rise to the level of expectation. We employ the best and expect the best from them.
Our business model at Falck is also very simple: if we take good care of our employees, then our employees will take good care of our patients and customers, and then our customers will take good care of Falck. Employ the best to be the best. It’s been the right model for over 100 years around the world and its working well in 32 countries for 23,000 Falck employees. We also think it’s right for Northern California.
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” |
When evaluating candidates who want to join Falck, we look for people who:
- Conduct themselves with honesty, integrity and respect for others
- Have a passionate commitment to customer service and quality
- Live their life by the Golden Rule
- Have excellent interpersonal skills
- Thrive on teamwork and collegiality
- Are among the most skilled and capable in their profession
- Want to work hard and enjoy the rewards of hard work
We have competitive salaries and among the most generous benefits program in the industry.